Cadillac Man main poster

Cadillac Man



  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Jan 12, 2023


    I just got done showing it to my wife... and did the same thing that my dad did to me, where I told her that it was going to start off kind of slow and then really pick up out of the clear blue sky. And of course she was born in 91, had never heard of this particular Williams gem, and was kind of shocked when it hit. It had the same effect where she did what I did and questioned it's comedic credentials... and then started laughing out loud when it hit the high gear. And that is the way I think everyone should watch it, come in completely fresh without knowing the plot and let it unfold, not because it has a Usual Suspects twist to it, but rather because it's so much better if you don't know what you are watching ahead of time. But, if you are reading this, you already know it's a comedy and you already know what is coming, because you probably read the plot synopsis. If that's the case, sit down and watch it with a friend that has never heard of it and watch how they react to everything. It's almost as good.