Modern Educayshun main poster

Modern Educayshun



  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Jan 14, 2023


    I caught this on the Youtube, after seeing some of his stand up, particularly the comparison of Sleeping Beauty to Bill Cosby, which was completely inappropriate and absolutely hysterical... ...and I am happy to say that it is just as dark and hysterical as most of the rest of his pieces. And really that appeals to me, one of the reviewers here called it Orwellian I believe, and yes, it is darkly Orwellian...but it's also comedically Orwellian. And, honestly, I think it does have a point. Dark humor has been shunned by the PC crowd as if they can't take a joke that is intentionally off color and disturbing for the sake of humor. Even gallows humor seems to be under attack. It is a political piece...but the main draw is that dark humor, which ruled a lot of the 90s, but seems to be frowned upon now. Ultimately, I really think that, yeah, dark+humor=hysterical. Don't let the politics get in the way, it still entertains. Especially with the war on comedy as it is.