Dec 18, 2024
A mixed bag, is 'Mystic Christmas'.
Chandler Massey and Jessy Schram lead and I found them to be a solid pairing, with some onscreen chemistry. I also like the dialogue, which is something I don't usually (if ever) say about Hallmark movies. I can't put my finger on it, but it felt more lively - certainly more chirpy than cheesy, not that the latter is absent, of course.
I will say, however, that the plot itself is quite dull. The aquarium detail is a nice touch, though the rest is just rather uninteresting cat/mouse will they/won't they type of thing - which gets repetitive. I'd also say it's lacking in strong festive vibes, not that there isn't any but I think it's missing something extra in that particularly department.
In regards to a rating, I was teetering between 6/10 and 7/10. I narrowly think it merits the former, I almost enjoyed it enough though.