Queen of the Desert main poster

Queen of the Desert



  • Reno Avatar


    Sep 1, 2016


    The woman who knew every inch of the middle-east!
    It is a kind of female version of 'Lawrence of Arabia', the lead actress herself told that. A biographical drama of a British woman who had played an important role in many middle-eastern affairs during the early 1900s. After the tragic death of the man she was madly in love, the young Gertrude Bell decides to travel across the middle-east to write about it and to do some archaeological research and other stuffs. After the decades of travel on all the corners of the region, what she achieved was the film disclosed in an inspiring way. I love this director's films and filmmaking style. It is his first time since last 6 years, but not good as I expected. It is a bit of both, documentary and feature film. Awesomely shot, I loved the camera work and actors too did so well. Nicole Kidman was brilliant, might be her best for portraying in a real life character. Yet something was missing from the film. Maybe the film came at the wrong time, should have been made at least 15 years ago. Otherwise, it is an Oscar worthy product. This film is worth watching for the beautiful desert landscapes and obviously for Kidman. The issue with the story is the focus which completely relied on Kidman's role. She was everywhere and leaving blank on the other end. Something like showing what she accomplished was the notion, so in perspective, it could have made a better documentary film. Some people might like it, especially if you're from the middle-east. But don't expect I would recommend it, because I won't. Whatever I said the film was not bad, just a 50-50 kind. 5/10
  • CinemaSerf Avatar


    Sep 1, 2016


    Despite assembling a decent enough cast, this biopic of the formidable desert adventurer Gertrude Bell is really little better than a fine example of the arts of cinematography in sandy and windy climes. She (Nicole Kidman) is in Arabia as the Ottoman Empire continues to decline and the European powers pick over it's bones. Her arrival in British Egypt introduces her to her first love "Cadogan" (James Franco) - the third secretary at the British mission but that romance, like her entire life on the nearby peninsula, takes twists and turns before she meets soldier "Wylie" (Damian Lewis). All of this is happening against a backdrop of colonial expansion and her own desires to explore the place and make friends - especially difficult amidst a culture that had a very specific role for women. Gradually, though, she becomes respected and even a facilitator for the British running the British Arab Bureau that was instrumental in supporting the efforts of T.E. Lawrence (Robert Pattinson). It makes a bit more sense if you know some of the history, but otherwise this is a ponderously weak drama that spends way too long on, admittedly beautiful, establishing shots and nowhere near enough time developing the character of this courageous and intelligent woman. Kidman never catches fire in the role, her accent is certainly not British and she (and director Werner Herzog) struggle to get much out of the co-stars who look like they are just going through the motions. You do leave the film with a respect for the decency of the Bedouin aspiring just to be left alone to govern themselves, but the production itself is very much a case of style over substance.