Mar 14, 2016
The movie intended to deliver a fine message.Based on the true story of Christina Noble, a charity worker from Ireland who went to Vietnam to help the street kids. This movie follows the stories from two different timelines. It opened with Noble's childhood days, from her struggling family to how she lost everything. Wanted to be a singer, but her terrible childhood turned her dream upside down and finally ended up in Vietnam finding her way to give children who needed love and care. Beside her intention was that no one should go through like she did. It is a beautiful and inspiring story, but the movie was not great. Because the stars and crews were not well known, but their contribution must be appreciated to spotlight this great lady, Chritina Noble. It also won some prestigious international awards as to recognising its valuable message. This British movie was written and directed by the husband of actress who portrayed in the title role. It is not an entertaining movie, but just like documentary films it was filled with strong contents that makes it must not be missed. 7/10