Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines main poster

Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines



  • Lusofreak Avatar


    Jan 2, 2022


    Well, this is going to be a simple and fast review, just because I'm not a professional movie critic. That being said you may already figured that I was able to watch as much as the common joe that watched the movies from the comfort of his couch and thus decides how to waste his time. And this was not the movie to do so. HEAVILY stereotyped characters, situations, places and interactions made me drop the movie at less than 5 minutes in, but from the short experience, here's the punch points: Location: some "hi-tech, low taste" multi-level castle, where to get from dull time to fully operational readiness one would have to run down stairs in a hurry or rely on elevators? Don't think this is a "SEAL" barracks. Situations: men hanging out with "women" on night dresses on broad daylight inside an army facility? Or is this some tax-payed expensive 24x7 night-club for drunken sailors? Reaks 1970s Hollywood... Interactions: First thing you want to do to a new member of your team is to shout to their face like you're in "Full Metal Jacket"? Beyond garbage scripting/acting/directing. Verdict: there are better things to do with your time or better movies to watch on this theme, like "Zero Dark 30", "Lone Survivor" or Seal Team Six - The Hunt for Bin Laden".