April Fool's Day main poster

April Fool's Day



  • Wuchak Avatar


    Apr 16, 2021


    Not a remake, but a stand-alone sequel After one of the attendees of a debutante’s ball dies in an accident in the Charlotte area, those involved in the prank-gone-wrong are targeted by a killer who wants an admission of guilt. “April Fool’s Day” (2008) is not a remake of the original 1986 film, but shares the name and a couple plot rudiments. The characters, the location and their story are altogether different, mixing in bits of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" (1997) and "Cruel Intentions" (1999). You could call it a stand-alone sequel, which is what many slasher sequels are anyway. Fans of slashers tend to condemn this film but, come on, the original wasn’t that great in the first place, although it had its highlights. Yes, the opening rich kids’ party is dull and there’s a certain feeling of unreality to the proceedings, but the flick otherwise delivers the goods as a slasher, plus the twist is effectively implemented and there’s an addition. People complain that too many of the protagonists are “unlikable,” so what else is new? Winsome Scout Taylor-Compton stands out in the female department while Taylor Cole is perfect at playing a spoiled biyatch. Sabrina Aldridge is on hand as the mortified target of the prank while Jennifer Siebel Newsom is appears as one of the friends, a beauty contestant. Meanwhile Mariesha Crews has a bit part. The film runs 1 hour, 31 minutes, and was shot in Charlotte & nearby Monroe, North Carolina. GRADE: B-