Burnt main poster




  • Reno Avatar


    Feb 4, 2016


    It is not perfect, but delicious.
    Movies about foods and chefs are quite popular since the beginning of the cinema. Not only among the food lovers, but the movie fans, critics as well common people decides to book a table at a nearby best restaurant after watching a delicious film like this. At least one movie in every year makes us to talk about the foods for that entire week. Like the Jon Favreau's last year's 'Chef', this is 2015's. On this theme, movies are always quite similar, except subplots like family, friends and sometimes foods from the different part of the earth as well. This film was not that brilliant when it comes to innovation in the story. The same old chef who comes back strongly after losing everything to get a another star. So what makes this special is that the actors, everyone was awesome. Even in smaller parts, especially the lead one Bradley Cooper makes all the difference. There was a twist, but it does not make us say wow. Definitely it was a bit fun, filled with some dark humours. The slow, dull storytelling was almost like a soulless product, but anyway, kind of it worked well due to the style of film setting that created to narrate it. Feels like in the many scenes, characters were intensely dragged in like the cameos, otherwise it would have been very plain. Overall, it's not a best food/chef movie I've ever seen, but very much watchable and enjoyable. 7/10
  • The Movie Mob Avatar

    The Movie Mob

    Feb 4, 2016


    Overall : Too many moments left a bad taste in my mouth to enjoy Burnt as much as I wanted to. The beginning of Burnt reminds me of the beginning of a heist movie. Bradley Cooper assembles a team made up of the best of the best to achieve the ever elusive 3 Michelin Star restaurant. The early scenes' energy and promise filled me with excitement, but unfortunately, the sheer arrogance and unlikeability of Cooper's Adam Jones drained the film of most of its charm and ability to enjoy it fully. I didn't find myself wanting Adam Jones to prevail. Thankfully, there is some character growth and development, but the road to get there was much more unpleasant for the audience than necessary.