Evil Toons main poster

Evil Toons



  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Jan 14, 2023


    What? Why is the rating so low here? It wasn't like this movie even tried to be good! It wasn't like it even tried to tell you it was good! This was a bad movie made to be a bad movie made to entertain you on the basis of it being a bad movie! It achieved that goal. You can't give the movie 3 stars for achieving the goal it set out to. And to ensure it is both bad and entertaining, a cartoon rapes someone. That's right, you have a cartoon raping a human. It's kind of like someone watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" and then said "hey, we can do that so much worse. You think that's good? We can make a movie like it that is so bad you'll love it!" And that is exactly what they did. It's a twisted B-rated version of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" only the cartoon are evil and that makes it, not better, but in a category all to its own. It's not trying to scare you and even the jokes aren't trying to make you laugh. It's trying to be a bad movie that entertains you by hitting all the cliche's of the bad movie genre. So, 10 out of 10 stars, it set a goal for itself and achieved it.