Nate Richardson
May 26, 2020
I remember what a drunk 17 year old Cherokee boy named Mitchel told me how to make a drop trap…-Incoherently blabbers an adventure show host sometime after finding a "Yoo-Hoo shrub". Things we all silently know to be true, but just can’t be proven: Politicians are lizard people, your cousin-in-law's a racist, and of course… the survivalist TV host is a charlatan. We’ve all thought these things, if not knowingly then for sure unconsciously. Tex Montana embodies this sprit with a paradox of juvenile humor and masterful cinematography that should have you laughing along no matter your sense of humor. Of course, not every movie is for everyone – the overly pretentious among us need not apply here. With only a $1,500 and nothing but a mere outline of a script, the folks who gave us The Battery have a little fun out in the woods. You can’t take this film so seriously as it was clearly just something to do in between other projects – and it made a pretty penny on Kickstarter too. Since first watching it back in 2016, I've probably re-watched this more than any other film (which is kind of sad, I know). The one liners and odd-ball quotes alone have become a staple in my daily life. It's because of that I have to give this film a 5, I enjoy it each time I see it and enjoy quoting it to people who have no idea what i'm referencing. So if you ever wanted to know what would happen if your ’kinda off’, redneck-want-to-be, crazy cousin-in-law decided he could stay out in the wild for 30 days alone; then I’d recommend putting on this film (Its free after all), gabbing a few friends, a bunch of beers, and cram them all into your makeshift lean-to because it’s going to be a fun night. Survive!