Feb 24, 2017
"Our tribes are the last keepers of Kastom. We have to hold it tight to survive."Their performances were natural, since the events of the film were based on their daily life. So they knew what they were doing. It was an advantage for the filmmakers, like they were making a documentary, despite they wrote the screenplay for it. Everyone played their own real life character to depict the actual event. Particularly the lead ones, Dain, Wawa, Selin and a few others were impressive. Awesome cinematography, as well as background score. The locations were amazing, including that live volcanic mountain. Despite their presence in the region for centuries, it looks untouched and wild. This film is what something you won't see in your daily life. It was not a romance like in our society, but men and women falling in love in any culture/society are the same. The film was not entirely a love tale, but step by step it gets there. In the initial parts, it was an introduction to their customs with a little fun. Followed by revealing they are not alone. Then comes the turn in the story where the remaining parts have a new fast paced thrill look. My point is we have seen hundreds of romance films, but this is one of those rare ones where 90 per cent of the world never going to meet these real people in their lives. So thanks to the filmmakers for giving this beautiful precious film. The first feature film for the documentary filmmakers and it made into the American Academy Awards. A great achievement, especially recognising such film by the Australian film society, as well as the Academy juries for nominating it. I'll be looking forward and cheering for them on their red carpet appearance. Though this film has a less chance over Denmark's 'Under Sandet' which is the front-runner. Don't mind that, just watch this film, because it is worth on its own merit than watching it after winning an award. Recommended! 8/10