Diablo main poster




  • Gimly Avatar


    Sep 12, 2016


    Who would've thought that out of the two Westerns I watched this week, the one starring Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Joel Edgerton would be the worse movie. Diablo is far from perfect, and it slumps pretty heavily in the middle. But the opening scene and entire third act had me totally engrossed. The supporting cast of Diablo are all pretty on point. Particularly Walton Goggins. Even Danny Glover who is notorious for phoning it in these days does a good job. Unfortunately, Scott Eastwood in the lead role is abysmal. So poor in fact that it was all that held me back from giving Diablo a "Fresh" rating. Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole.
  • Wehrmacht Avatar


    Sep 12, 2016


    This was a poor implementation of a fascinating concept, thanks in great part to Scott Eastwood's inability to portray a complex character, and an ultimately shallow script. The menacing Ezra needed to be fleshed out substantially more, and the signals of his true connection to Jackson were clumsily handled and incorrectly paced. It's so sad to have wasted an opportunity to create a haunting psychological western. It could have been really, really good. Still, you'll be amazed at how much Scott Eastwood can look like his father. He's near identical in some shots.