Batman Returns main poster

Batman Returns



  • The Movie Mob Avatar

    The Movie Mob

    Oct 1, 2022


    Batman Returns overplays the comic book campiness of the decade and Burton's strange style but is balanced by astonishing performances and a more contained superhero story. Warner Bros was quick to begin production on a sequel to Batman (1989) after its colossal success literally saved the studio from bankruptcy. This time Tim Burton was given complete creative control over the entire film, and it shows. Batman Returns cranked up the campy weirdness that the studio had restrained in the first Batman. This film focuses on Danny DeVito's Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman over Batman, making Michael Keaton feel like the supporting cast to Pfeiffer and DeVito. As disappointing as that may sound, Pfeiffer took this over-the-top campy Catwoman and delivered a truly iconic performance, and DeVito performed much the same in his role. I appreciated Batman Returns avoiding the comic book movie trope of putting the entire world or whole sitting at stake. Instead, the story concentrates on corrupt businessmen and politicians avoiding giant sky beams. The climax risks a more significant part of the city, but it's still more localized than most comic book films. Batman Returns has its flaws, but the Christmas setting, the return of Michael Keaton to his career-defining role, and Pfeiffer and DeVito's incredible acting overcome the severe campiness and lack of Batman, resulting in a decent entry in the Dark Knight's 90s franchise.
  • Andre Gonzales Avatar

    Andre Gonzales

    Oct 1, 2022


    The only other great batman movie. Not as much action but still was a really good movie.
  • Rob Avatar


    Oct 1, 2022


    Tim Burton's original Batman definitely deserved a worthy sequel. Unfortunately, this just doesn't cut it. Keaton's Batman deserved more grit and drama, not corny comical antics. It's worth a look, but keep your expectations low.