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The Big Sick



  • DJDole Avatar


    May 27, 2017


    Charmingly funny. Not a cliché comedy at all. A little heavy on the Uber references, but still a movie that can be watched multiple times. (Saw at a pre-screening in Seattle.)
  • jessetaylor Avatar


    May 27, 2017


    A truly funny and immensely heartwarming While You Were Sleeping-esque romantic comedy. It's actually not fair to compare this to any other film because the story here is wholly real and not fabricated for the screen. This is Kumail Nanjiani's real life story about how he met his wife and it's incredibly moving. While Kumail and Zoe are both really great, the heart and soul of the movie is Holly Hunter and Ray Romano. They are truly superb and every scene they share with Kumail while Emily is in the coma is spectacular. I would watch this movie from start to finish again right now if I had it in me - it's incredibly taxing as it's an emotional ride; I cried maybe 4 times throughout the movie. It's amazing how reliably brilliant Holly Hunter always is and I hope she garners some awards attention for this performance. It truly moved me. Her delivery of "Do you mind?" before she gets into bed with Romano at the end was such a beautiful character moment.
  • Gimly Avatar


    May 27, 2017


    FULL DISCLOSURE: I saw this while I was working my ass off in a foodtruck at an outdoor cinema. I missed whole chunks of it, and it certainly didn't have my full focus. I'll give it a proper chance at a later date, and alongside that, another review. What I did see of The Big Sick certainly held potential for me, I even had one genuine laugh, but American comedies rarely if ever resonate with me. I know this one plays it at a very different angle to your standard Sandler-esque faire, and I appreciate that, but I wasn't brought in enough from what I caught to get on board. Final rating:★★½ - Not quite for me, but I definitely get the appeal.
  • Reno Avatar


    May 27, 2017


    Brainwashed!!! Here's the most overrated film, not just for the year, but forever. The title says it all, a big sick flick. Just remember, it was only based on the real, not a biopic. Because they have changed entire storytelling to cinematic convenient. To fool the people from the actual truth. So the terrorists are shown in a good light. Good humans won't support such barbaric people. It's a shame that American Academy Awards recognised it. Only best thing in the film were the Holly Hunter and Ray Ramona. Even in the real life characters, they were brainwashed, along with Emily. Totally skippable film. Instead, I would strongly suggest to watch 'Punching Henry', 'Obvious Child', 'Sleepwalk with me' and even 'The Vow' or you you could find many more in film database. Don't waste your time with it! 2/10
  • Kamurai Avatar


    May 27, 2017


    Good watch, probably won't watch again, but can recommend if you can handle a medical emergency adventure. If you've seen "A Fault in Our Stars", this has a similar vibe for a lot of it. I'm a fan of Kumail Nanjiani, and I like Emily Gordon more, I'm honestly a little disappointed she didn't star in her own story, but I understand her reasons. Zoe Kazan, Ray Ramono and Holly Hunter are great in this, they all felt very natural. Now, I know Kumail is the lead, and a good portion of the story focuses on family nonsense, but (even though she's in a coma for a lot of it) Emily is equally a star in the story. That's what this is about, because it's (pretty much) a true story of two people coming together to form one life, and it is SO very personal. I almost think Kumail wanted to make the movie just so he could stop telling the (rather long) story in person, "Just go watch the movie." I know that a lot of it is just truth, but the adaptive writing for this is excellent, the structure keeps a well balanced pace between all the events happening, we have (lots) of loss and (powerful) gains. There is even a good bit of comedy worked into the story, but it is hard to handle the heavy weight of Emily's medical story. It might be affecting more due to the timing of it in my life, but, regardless, it's there. It doesn't make for the most upbeat experience. Emily, obviously, makes a recovery as it happened in real life, and now Kumail has a movie to remind her that he saved her life eye roll. The end is very uplifting, and sometimes it is nice to see a piece of history on screen, but do be aware that is what this is, for the most part.