Zombies main poster




  • Gimly Avatar


    Oct 8, 2017


    At least once a year, we get a super-cheap (and super-bad) zombie apocalypse movie starring one moderately famous B-actor, which plays for "action" rather than horror, and brings absolutely nothing new to the scene. I assumed Zombies was going to fit this bill for 2017. And for 99% of that sentiment, I was right. What was not cliched however, was the final minutes of the film. I'm not saying that it was a new idea entirely, in fact I know exactly which far better movie Zombies stole it from, but I've never seen this particular set of circumstances play out specifically in a zombie movie before. So one tiny little prop for that choice. Shame it couldn't have happened first in a better zombie movie. Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible.