Big Kill main poster

Big Kill



  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Jan 12, 2023


    Someone here posted a review with the words "Well I liked it" and that is kind of the attitude I have with this. The budget was just high enough to hire talent and to make it look relatively good. I especially like the high talent for bit parts. And, as I said, it looks good, not great, but good enough that you're not going to be distracted by how fake and clearly B Grade it is. And, it was fun. It had a nice mix of violence and humor (which always pair well) as well as a plot that didn't make a lot of sense, but still managed to hit all the tropes of the genre in an entertaining fashion. And, let's face it, this isn't Dances with Wolves, this isn't an art house western, it's a good old fashion fun western. If you happen upon it, watch it, it will entertain and isn't that the point of making a movie?