Jul 7, 2018
Effective low-budget take on the basic "Wrong Turn" plot
RELEASED IN 2010 and written/directed by Richard Swindell, "Pelt" chronicles the misadventures of seven obnoxious youths in Kentucky when they embark on a backpacking hike deep in the unknown woods and evidently tick off some inbred whack job.
Considering that "Pelt" is a micro-budget movie compared to 2003' "Wrong Turn," I was impressed with how well-made it is. Sure, several of the youths are mostly annoying at first, but it’s so exaggerated it’s obviously camp; plus their arses are all humbled in good time, BIG TIME. Moreover, the three girls are appealing in a girl-next-door type of way despite their initial obnoxiousness, particularly Amber Marie Bollinger as Jessica and Ashley Watkins as Jenny (while blonde Sarah Zurell ain’t nothing to sneeze at). The Irish bloke is easily the most irksome male, but he’s willing to boldly sacrifice everything to save one of the girls. That's not just likable, but noble and heroic!
Needless to say, unlike "Wrong Turn," the movie mixes-in comedy and parody reminiscent of 2007's "Wrong Turn 2: Dead End,” but some people apparently didn’t get the memo. In any case, while nothing great, "Pelt" is worth catching if you like backwoods slasher flicks. I actually like it better than "Wrong Turn" (it has far better women) and it's close to being on par with "Wrong Turn 2." Not to mention, Amber Marie Bollinger (Jessica) scampering around the woods in flimsy attire is worth the price of admission.
THE MOVIE RUNS 87 minutes and was shot in Northern California, which is a weak stand-in for Kentucky because anyone who's been to Kentucky knows it doesn't look like Northern California.