Deadly Instincts main poster

Deadly Instincts



  • ArkhamKnightRider Avatar


    Sep 18, 2018


    If i were to be honest, i would say this movie is shit. the only thing i could say that is actually good about this movie is the effects, which are great espieclly since it was made by Paul Matthews, who usually can't make a movie close to watchable or tolerable and has effects that would be terrible even by the asylum's low standards ( Berserker: Hell's Warrior and Merlin the Return are good examples). However , I found this movie enjoyable for some reason. It is one of those rare times where i call a movie a gulity pleasure. I would overall recommend it to people looking for a so bad it is good movie.
  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Sep 18, 2018


    I watched this back in the 90s when I thought it was a remake of the 80s "Breeders" and it only was in spirit. And I have also spent a bit of time mocking "Dr. Strange" or rather Benedict Cumberbatch's attempts at an American accent. This is so much worse than Dr. Strange. The title should really be "Horrible American Accents and Breasts" That is really all it is, minus the fun of the original "Breeders" So, all you get is British people failing at acting like Americans and breasts. And now I am wondering if I should click the spoilers button because that is ALL the movie is.
  • Tourma Avatar


    Sep 18, 2018


    A Nipply Good Time. Q. Is this movie good? A. No. Q. Is the acting good? A. I've seen worse. The accents aren't great. Q. Are the effects good? A. They're decent. Q. Are the costumes good? A. Hurr hurr. I do like the one woman in green latex/spandex. A fetishier Jade from Beyond Good and Evil. Seriously though, a lot of fetish fuel in this. I've seen MUCH worse on Rifftrax.