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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes



  • Manuel São Bento Avatar

    Manuel São Bento

    May 9, 2024


    FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is an intriguing addition to the franchise, full of fascinating parallels and a thought-provoking exploration of Caesar’s legacy, despite some lack of depth linked to the motivations of some characters. The exploration of important themes such as religion, war, and distinct perspectives on biblical figures leads to the most immersive moments of a film that takes time to find its rhythm. With a clear vision from Wes Ball and fantastic performances, the impressive motion-capture work contributes tremendously to a visually mesmerizing experience. For fans of the saga, it’s a continuation worth following with interest, promising more moral reflections on the evolution of nature and the inevitable cycle of life." Rating: B
  • CinemaSerf Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    Quick question. So it was a virus that led to the role reversal between the speaking humans and their ape counterparts? Now the apes have the upper hand and humanity is back in the caves. What I don't really get is why everything is in ruins and why there's an escalator in the middle of a forest full of zebras? Speech is crucial for communication, granted, but as the apes now thrive amidst the ruins of human construction I couldn't quite figure out why it was all decimated in the first place. Was there a war? Did I miss it? Anyway, Simian society still claims derivation from "Caesar" and in typical human fashion is just as divided. The apes live a peaceful life stealing the eagle's eggs from precariously perched nests so they can rear them themselves - and the eagles don't really seem to mind. The militaristic gorillas raid their village and drag them all to the seaside resort of "Proximus" where he is trying to break into an human, subterranean, vault. The raid caused havoc amongst the peaceable apes and left only "Noa" to try to free them. En route, he encounters "Mae" (Freya Allan) - an human who can speak, and upon arrival she befriends another talking person "Trevathan" (William H. Macy) who are both expected to help reach the treasures of the vault. She knows what's in there, and with the help of her new friends hopes to salvage what she was sent to retrieve - but without allowing any weapons inside to fall into enemy hands. It takes far too long to get going, this, but once we've established who is who and the story has kicked in, it's quite an exciting tale with some great visuals effects and just a little philosophy to keep it from falling into a trap of franchise mundanity. The acting isn't really up to much, but an enthusiastic effort from Kevin Durand as the menacing leader and some authentic looking acrobatics not seen since Johnny Weissmuller make for an entertaining episode in what is clearly a soap-style plot development where this is but an episode in a what happens next scenario.
  • r96sk Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    Has its moments, though overall I kinda found 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' a bit of a slog to sit through. The original trilogy are films that I do enjoy, they're very good. This fourth installment, however, underwhelmed me throughout its 145 minute run time. It starts off a new plot, obviously given how 'War for the Planet of the Apes' concluded, and the new characters and their stories didn't really interest me. Some of the action is watchable, the military bunker angle is decent, the visual effects are strong (but we already knew that) and the bits directly with Noa and Raka are the film's best in my opinion. I don't, though, really recall much else about this and remember feeling quite nonplussed whilst watching; the literal final music-filled shot got me pumped though, out of nowhere. None of the cast (voice or otherwise) stand out, either. I'd have finished this franchise with the 2017 flick, but very much sounds like the filmmakers are planning another trilogy with this one. Hopefully I'll enjoy those (and the inevitable 2030s 'new' trilogy... 😏) more.
  • Midi-chlorian_Count Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    Just seen this and thought it was a pretty good edition to the series. The CGI is now good enough for what is probably our first really in-depth look at the ape civilization following the fall of man. Sure, it doesn't have as grandiose a story as Caesar's but it does a grand job of world building and showing us how the ape society of the distant future is functioning. The exploration of the mythology which has built up with regards to their past and Caesar's time is also interesting. Proximus isn't even really a villain as such, which makes him and his vision for the future a nice counter to the uncertain goals of Noa's human companion. Particularly enjoyed the ending, which, when you realise it is coming, you have to laugh as it has been set up throughout the movie. And the little kicker was good too. Setting us up nicely for a sequel which may see this reboot series veer back towards it's origins. Definitely well worth seeing if you're a fan of the reboot series...
  • Hotplix Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is a thrilling continuation of the acclaimed franchise, directed by Wes Ball. The film dives deeper into the evolving society of intelligent apes, showcasing stunning visual effects and a compelling narrative that explores themes of leadership, conflict, and coexistence. The performances, particularly by Andy Serkis as Caesar, are powerful and emotive, bringing depth to the characters and the story. With its blend of action, drama, and thought-provoking themes, "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is a captivating addition to the series that will resonate with fans and newcomers alike.
  • MovieGuys Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    Whilst Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is a competent and moderately entertaining addition to the franchise, I do wonder if there really was a need to make it? Kingdom (as I'll refer to it) is entertaining but it really does little, in this reviewers estimation, to move the franchise forward in a meaningful way. Its story is rather formulaic and you do quickly feel like you have "seen it all before", in one form or another. Having said this, I do not think Kingdom is a bad film. That would be unfair. Its CGI is top notch, as I said its story is basic but it does work, with well paced, varied action. Commendably, they even managed a little human/ape interest, which lifts the characters beyond being mere, cardboard cut outs. In summary, entertaining, watchable but really as far as I can see, nothing new is on offer here, either. Perhaps I'm being a little harsh but it would be nice, to see some genuine originality from Hollywood. They could do it once, why not now?
  • TheSceneSnobs Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    The Planet of the Apes prequel films have been nothing short of astonishing, and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes continues this trend with remarkable filmmaking. The decision to set this installment 300 years after the previous films, yet still focus on Caesar's legacy, was a brilliant move. It effectively addresses the absence of Andy Serkis and Caesar by weaving his influence throughout the narrative. Our protagonist Noah and his clan emerge as standout characters, bringing new life to the series. Their dynamic and struggles are compelling, adding depth to the narrative. Proximus Caesar serves as an effective villain, embodying the darker aspects of Caesar's legacy. His complex motivations and ruthless tactics provide a formidable challenge for Noah and his allies. My biggest gripe with the film lies in the portrayal of the human element. There is a lack of clarity regarding humanity's current state within this franchise. More understanding or explanation of humanity's status would have enriched the story. For instance, scenes involving humans operating missile silos 300 years after their construction strain credibility without sufficient backstory. A deeper exploration of how humanity has adapted or regressed over the centuries would have added valuable context. Despite this flaw, the overall filmmaking remains top-notch. The visuals are stunning, with meticulous attention to detail in both the ape civilization and the post-apocalyptic landscapes. The special effects, particularly the motion capture work, are exceptional, bringing the apes to life with astonishing realism. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is a fantastic addition to the series, successfully balancing new elements with the rich legacy of Caesar. While the human storyline could benefit from greater depth and clarity, the film excels in its primary focus on the apes and their evolving society. This installment delivers a satisfying conclusion to the saga, and I would be content if the series ended here, preserving the integrity of Caesar's legacy and the high standards set by these prequels.
  • aGoryLouie Avatar


    May 9, 2024


    .#NOTMYCAESAR .#NOTMYMAURICE haha all jokes aside It wasn't bad, certainly not as good as Dawn and War but good enough It looks amazing, the majority of the CGI could pass as real and looking around the overgrown posthuman world was a pleasure in itself. perfect flick to watch with a hangover paired with a Bloody Mary (or three) very much hope this is the start of another trilogy
  • Chandler Danier Avatar

    Chandler Danier

    May 9, 2024


    Did I even watch this? It sucks. Apes are smarter but rely on human intelligence which somehow survives the stupid virus and now they have the hdd! Whoops. Spoiled the whole show. Sorry. It sucks anyway.