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Four Weddings and a Funeral



  • r96sk Avatar


    Jan 26, 2021


    Good, if a little light on actual laughs. Hugh Grant is the best thing about 'Four Weddings and a Funeral', he gives an amusing performance. The plot is obvious and speaks for itself, it does lead to a few interesting shenanigans. Some of the dialogue is iffy, as is some of the editing though. None of the cast behind Grant stood out to me, with the exception of Rowan Atkinson; but that's only down to how well known he is in general, as here he is underused. I found Andie MacDowell's performance very wooden. I appreciate them not going the obvious route with Kristin Scott Thomas' character, even if it makes her Fiona redundant throughout. Just about serviceable, worth watching if only once.
  • CinemaSerf Avatar


    Jan 26, 2021


    Whilst this largely centres around the persona of "Charles" (Hugh Grant) it's really more the compendium of characters that makes this comedy work well. He is late for the first of the weddings, but that doesn't really matter except it's where he first espies "Carrie" (Andi MacDowell). A one night stand ensues and both seem to like the other, but nothing comes of it and we proceed to the next wedding, then the next. It's this third one that turns out to be her's - to a laird a little older than she. "Charles" is crestfallen but what to do? Might it be best to settle for someone else - even is she's not the one? Richard Curtis has written a gem of a comedy here, allowing a slew of characterful personalities to slot into the life of "Charles". The underused, brightly waist-coated, Simon Callow is probably my favourite. He and boyfriend "Matthew" (John Hannah) have an habit of exposing the more preposterous and yukkie sides of the wedding; the twee folk singers and the guests who overdo the free bar or think they are god's gift. Indeed, as much of this takes a swing at the whole symbolism and ceremony of marriage as it plays on the foibles and flaws of "Charles" and his friends. Rowan Atkinson's bumbling vicar "Gerald" has the pews in hysterics and Charlotte Coleman is great as the maybe a bit too frank "Scarlett". It pieces together a bit to serendipitously and I maybe don't need to hear the Wet Wet Wet song again any time soon, but it showcases a range British acting talent in an amiable and enjoyable fashion for two hours.