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  • 5rJoud Avatar


    Jul 2, 2021


    An Inclusive At The Cutting Table This movie has a great cast, good looking people who can act. The campfire scene in the beginning sets up characters nicely, with understandable dialogue and the viewer quickly gets to know the protagonists sufficiently. Unfortunately that's everything the film has going for it. First of all it's simply too hard to watch with the constantly shaking and zooming camera. The editing is so erratic, immersion can never happen for the audience. I was looking forward to see how they solved the logistical and continuity problems that would arise from the preposterous premise, bomb vests which transfer remaining time to anyone who kills the wearer, since I am a big fan of the Saw franchise. But given the bad camera work I'd rather read the story than watch this. 7 November 2020 I am migrating my reviews from a different site which has become simply garbage. TMDB looks awesome and I look forward to be a part of it.