SeeFood main poster




  • r96sk Avatar


    Sep 10, 2020


    Crikey! 'SeaFood' is utterly dire. I'm not going to slaughter this film (too much!), as always I have respect for anyone who creates a production as it isn't easy. With that said, this is a serious waste of 93 minutes. Awful animation, poor voice cast and an absolutely terrible premise. It may, minorly, allude to real life issues such as poaching, ocean pollution and even bullying, but it doesn't take it any further than the baseline of those things being bad. The dialogue is dreadful, not helped by the numerous awkward silent chunks created by the animation. It also doesn't know what it wants to be called either, "SeaFood" on the DVD cover but "SeeFood" on the onscreen menu. At the end it says "See" before changing to "Sea", so I guess it's intentional? Odd either way. Up there for the worst film I've seen. Not even sure the supposed target audience would enjoy this. The only (extremely) slight praise I can give is that it isn't a full-on 'Finding Nemo' rip-off, as seems the case in the opening minutes.