Aug 2, 2020
Robert Duvall. Can enough ever be said about his contribution to cinema? A character actor
whose immense talent couldn't and wouldn't be contained in smaller roles, quickly rose to
stardom following his debut as Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird. Today Mr. Duvall is 89
years old and still working, awaiting release of his 88th film. The film Tomorrow (1972) is
largely and sadly unknown to many film lovers, even many of Duvall's fans, yet contains
what I consider to be one his finest performances to date. It is such a moving and thoughtful
tale to begin with, and Duvall's performance makes it that much better. Watch this film you will
probably see (as I did), where Billy Bob Thornton really got his inspiration for the Sling Blade
character he made famous more than 20 years later (has he ever admitted it?).