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The Beekeeper



  • CinemaSerf Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024


    "Clay" (Jason Statham) has worked for an off-the-books US government programme designed to provide the ultimate security to the democratic process by providing unlimited training and resources to a group of people whose job it is is to objectively protect the system. These folks are called "beekeepers" which is lucky because our Jason has decided to spend his well earned retirement doing precisely that. He rents some space in the barn of "Eloise" (Phylicia Rashad) and one evening she invites him round for supper. He arrives to find that she has committed suicide and a cursory investigation from her FBI daughter "Verona" (Emmy Raver-Lampman) reveals she was the victim of a callous scam that wiped out not just her savings, but $2 million from a charity she chaired. Yep, you've guessed it. "Clay" decides it's time to reactivate his account and get on the trail of these people regardless of just how high up the food chain the trail of complicity and corruption leads. Statham adopts a rather curious accent throughout this totally unoriginal and derivative action thriller that gets gradually more preposterous as it goes on. Josh Hutcherson and Jeremy Irons add a little box-office to the thing, but their roles are undercooked and the former is actually pretty hopeless throughout. Some fun pyrotechnics and you wouldn't ever want to mess with "Clay" but these one-man assassination squad movies are ten a penny now and this is certainly not one of the best.
  • Visperish Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024

    A violent, bloody and relentless action thriller with a cliche but strong storyline and beautifully shot action scenes.
  • Chandler Danier Avatar

    Chandler Danier

    Jan 16, 2024


    I watched all the The movies in preparation for the most expensive, The Beekeeper. It's short, snappy and dumb. Statham kills people like usual. Just a hard-working American bloke who only ever wanted to be cared for. If you feel all Australians are goofy and should die, you'll really like the end and probably rate it higher than I did.
  • MovieGuys Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024


    Dumb as a brick. I'm sorry but the story behind this is downright moronic, not helped by shallow or aimless characterisations, absurd action, empty dialogue and no real finale. In summary, a low IQ action flick that's stuffed full of empty exposition and little else.
  • r96sk Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024


    I'm conflicted about 'The Beekeeper'. On the one hand, it's fantastic entertainment as Jason Statham plays a brilliantly badass character - every scene with him is top, top notch. The editing, action and score are positives, though everything around those aforementioned elements is annoyingly very hit-and-miss... and I'm not sure how much the other bits affect my enjoyment. Away from the great Statham, the cast are also up-and-down. Josh Hutcherson and Jeremy Irons are decent, I think inferior actors would've done much worse so those two do do well in fairness. Sadly, for Emmy Raver-Lampman & Co. on the FBI side of the story... not the best. I mean, they're OK but kinda boring at the same time. Raver-Lampman's character is also quite lamely written, not the actress' fault of course but still. Without spoiling anything, I feel like her character should've been way more sympathetic to Clay's cause given the obvious - like, still 'do your job' absolutely but it's as if the character forgot what happened at the start of the movie. The scummy organizations are also portrayed a bit too cartoony, based on what I've seen in real life about those sorta people is that they're usually lousy losers who happen to know how to do what they do - rather than 'Gen Z' (please do forgive me for using that term shudder) smartasses who party 24/7 as this 2024 release shows. I'm happy with the rating I've settled on, Statham merited more though.
  • 𝕽𝖎𝖈𝖍 Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024


    The Beekeeper is a serviceable action thriller that delivers what you would expect from a Jason Statham vehicle: brutal fights, cheesy one-liners, and a simple revenge plot. The film is directed by David Ayer, who has a knack for creating gritty and violent urban settings, and written by Kurt Wimmer, who has a penchant for crafting absurd and convoluted sci-fi scenarios. The result is a mashup of John Wick, The Equalizer, and The Matrix, with a dash of bee-related humor and symbolism. Statham plays Adam Clay, a reclusive beekeeper who lives on a farm owned by his elderly friend Eloise Parker (Phylicia Rashad). When Eloise falls victim to a phishing scam orchestrated by a sinister tech company, Adam decides to use his skills as a former elite operative to track down and punish the culprits. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and enemies, such as corrupt cops, hired goons, and a mysterious hacker known as The Queen (Ruby Rose). He also forms an unlikely alliance with Eloise's daughter, FBI agent Sarah Parker (Emmy Raver-Lampman), who is investigating the same case. The film does not waste much time on exposition or character development, focusing instead on the action sequences and the spectacle. Statham is in his element as the stoic and efficient killing machine, dispatching his foes with a variety of weapons and martial arts moves. He also delivers some witty and sarcastic remarks, often involving bees or honey. The supporting cast is mostly forgettable, except for Rashad, who brings some warmth and dignity to her role, and Rose, who plays the villain with a mix of charm and menace. The film's biggest flaw is its lack of originality and coherence. The plot is a generic and predictable revenge story, with some implausible twists and turns. The film also tries to incorporate some themes and messages about technology, society, and morality, but they are either underdeveloped or contradictory. For example, the film seems to criticize the dangers of data mining and online fraud, but also glorifies the use of hacking and surveillance by the protagonist. The film also uses the bee motif as a metaphor for Adam's identity and mission, but it is often inconsistent and superficial. The Beekeeper is not a film that will challenge or surprise you, but it is a film that will entertain you if you are in the mood for some mindless and fun action. It is a popcorn flick that knows its strengths and limitations, and delivers on its promise of Statham kicking ass and cracking jokes. If you are a fan of his previous works, or of the action genre in general, you will probably enjoy this film. Just don't expect anything more than that.
  • cavemanharris Avatar


    Jan 16, 2024

    Been there, seen that (a dozen times!). This movie follows the same tired trope of a rogue US government agent. Hollywood, how many more can there be? If you're looking for something original, skip this one.
  • Per Gunnar Jonsson Avatar

    Per Gunnar Jonsson

    Jan 16, 2024


    I have to be honest and say that, if far left Hollywood had not turned out one woke turd after another but actually good movies as they used to a long time ago, this one might not have earned five out of five stars from me. But since the Hollywood pedophiles have more or less ruined everything they touch the competition for good movies is more or less non-existent so here we go. The movie is pretty much free of woke bullshit and far left preaching so that alone earns it at least two stars. This movie is very much a John Wick style movie. Some dumbass criminals piss off the wrong guy and a fireworks display of martial arts and dead criminals follows. Jason Statham, as Adam Clay aka The Beekeeper, is really at his best in this movie. He is a kick-ass, relentless, stone hard, killer focused on both revenge and the eradication of the human scum that preys on the weak and, in this case, stupid. The bad guys, at least at the start, is an organization that runs on-line scams. When scamming the person that has taken Adam under her wings after his retirement it has unforeseen and tragic consequences. Later in the movie this simple plot evolves, as the blurb states, to a national emergency due to the corrupt and criminal actors involved at high levels. When I watched the movie I really thought that this entire scamming things was a bit unrealistic. I mean come on, people cannot be that stupid! But then I reminded myself that people also, allegedly, voted for a senile turnip brain with a kackling moron as vice president so I guess they can be. As I wrote, Statham is really at his best. If we should compare with John Wick again, Statham is much more menacing and vengeful than Keanu Reeves ever was in John Wick. I really like how the criminal asshats at all levels gradually gets their rightful, and usually terminal, punishment and that they most of the time gets to see and sweat as their doom approaches. Also, the stunts are not at all as exaggerated and ludicrous as in the fourth John Wick installment. That does not mean that they are very realistic but then that is not really to be expected in this kind of action movie. The story overall is not bad. It is an action movie type of story which means it is fairly simplistic, it has plot holes and it is not overly realistic but that is fine. It is good enough and it is Statham that carries the movie anyway. This was indeed one of the best movies in a long time as far as I am concerned. Pure entertainment. Share this: