Game Change main poster

Game Change



  • GenerationofSwine Avatar


    Jan 12, 2023


    You couldn't make this today could you? I mean, the Repubicans aren't all depicted as idiotic, mouth breathing, Nazi monsters from Mars... so it wouldn't be PC enough and people would call it offensive. Because, how dare you not stereotype. Anyway, Palin was a mistake, but the movie puts all the blame on her. That wasn't really the case was it? We were just coming off the W presidency, if Obama won the primary, the Democrats would have won the election. If Hillary won the primary, the Democrats would have won the election. If a reanimated corpse won the primary, the Democrats would have won the election. People were so fed up with 8 years of W, that the DNC could have run a serial killer that cooked and ate a Jewish baby on live television and they still would have beaten McCain. McCain's problem wasn't Palin. McCain's problem was W, and he was in the same party as W and Americans just wanted a change after that mess. So it's kind of unfairly blaming Palin... but Palin was a mistake. She was not ready for the big game. She was poor choice. But, it was a fair depiction of why she was a poor choice. It was a well acted and fair depiction of why she was a bad choice. It was a well acted and well directed and fair depiction of why she was a bad choice. But in the end, it wasn't her fault. W guaranteed that there was going to be no beating Obama. But as far as political movies go, it's fair and well done... despite the miscast blame.